Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hey. Newly re-vamped website is now up and is SO much easier to update now. I will be doing blog posts from there now, most likely so if you're looking for new work go to:

cassie's poop site

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pretty Goo

I think it looks pretty slick!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am lucky enough to have family in my life that have way too many things and so they give them to Drew and I. We love to take old furniture and re-paint it, re-upholster it, and generally re-awesome-ize it. Drews Nona is getting rid of many of her things and rather than give them away she would either sell them or see me and Drew put them to good use. SOOO we have acquired two of these amazing chairs.

The fabric is fantastic and in great condition so we are not re-upholstering them, but we are going to paint them black and antique them.

Nona also was willing to part with this crazy lamp which we will re-finish and find (or make) a cool lampshade for.

I will post pictures when done!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bookin It

So I had this idea today to go out looking for books. I have been stumped on artwork for our living room for a while now, but I was lucky enough to stumble upon this rare find:

It is filled with wonderful old illustrated poems and outdated information. So I cut out four of my favorites and put them in frames. I love them! Here is my favorite:

Monday, January 18, 2010


When I was interning with Working Class I did these black and white drawings for a Darwin project. I decided to bring them out and spruce them up for our barren stair wall. I finished all of them (there are about 10 in total), but these are my favorites. I think they will be a nice addition to our home!

Sunday, January 17, 2010



My pillows are here! My pillows are here!

Wouldn't you just love to scream that as you receive some lovely packages in the mail?

The Cassie Collection is now available from Working Class Studio!

working class studio

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Battles and whos

here's how the battle 7" is coming along...

and a feathered friend...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Starting a new piece. This is my thumbnail for Battle!'s new 7". Most of their songs are about personal conflict and relationship regret. Other than this and work, I'm thinking of taking my old Darwin drawings from Working Class and zazzing them up a bit for our staircase.